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;<span id="Building">Building</span>
:'''ISO 6707-1(2004):''' Provision of shelter for its occupants or contents as one of its main purposes; usually partially or totally enclosed and designed to stand permanently in one place.
;<span id="Balcony">Balcony</span>
: '''Wikipedia:''' Das minimal umgebende Rechteck (MUR) (Englisch: minimal bounding rectangle, MBR, auch bounding box und envelope) bezeichnet das kleinstmögliche achsenparallele Rechteck, das eine vorgegebene Menge von Objekten umschließt. Auch wenn der Begriff scheinbar eine Zweidimensionalität impliziert, so spricht man auch in anderen Dimensionen von einem minimal umgebenden (Hyper-) Rechteck.
:'''ISO 6707-1(2004):''' Upper accessible platform within a storey, not fully enclosed by wall(s).
;<span id="Brüstung">Brüstung</span>
::An '''external balcony''' is an accessible platform that projects from the external face of a building.
: '''[http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Br%C3%BCstung Wikipedia:]'''Als Brüstung (auch Parapet) bezeichnet man
::An '''internal balcony''' or '''recessed balcony''' (US) is an accessible platform recessed from the external face of a building.
* eine Absturzsicherung an Brücken, Emporen, Terrassen, '''Balkonen''' usw. Im Gegensatz zum leichten und meist durchbrochenen Geländer und zur Balustrade handelt es sich um eine '''geschlossene''', in der Regel '''massiv ausgeführte Wandscheibe'''.
;<span id="Ceiling">Ceiling</span>
* den Teil einer Außenwand, der sich zwischen dem Fußboden und der unteren Kante des Fensters befindet (Fensterbrüstung).
:[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceiling '''Wikipedia:'''] A ceiling is an overhead interior surface that covers the upper limit of a room. It is not generally considered a structural element, but a finished surface concealing the underside of the floor or roof structure above.
Die Brüstungshöhe ist heute genormt und insbesondere von der potentiellen Absturzhöhe abhängig.
;<span id="CCRS">Compound Coordinate Referencesystem (CCRS)</span>
:'''ISO 19111:''' Coordinate reference system using two other independent coordinate reference systems to describe a position.
:The horizontal and vertical components of a description of position in three dimensions may sometimes come from different coordinate reference systems rather than through a single three-dimensional coordinate reference system. This is always the case for positions where vertical coordinates are related to mean sea level. This shall be handled through a compound coordinate reference system which identifies the two coordinate reference system utilized.
:Notification by using a "*" combining the two coordinate reference systems, e.g. DE_DHDN_3GK2_RDN*DE_DHHN92_NH
;<span id="Dach">Dach</span>
;<span id="Door">Door</span>
:'''Wikipedia:''' Das Dach ist der obere Abschluss eines Gebäudes. Zusammen mit den Wänden trennt es Außenraum von Innenraum und schützt vor der Witterung. Seine Gestaltung ist prägend für das gesamte Bauwerk und abhängig von klimatischen Bedingungen, Baustoffen und Baustilen. Im Verlauf der Architekturgeschichte entwickelten sich unterschiedlichste Dachformen.
:[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Door '''Wikipedia:'''] A door is an opening or closing structure used to block off an entrance, typically consisting of an interior side that faces the inside of a space and an exterior side that faces the outside of that space. While in some cases the interior side of a door may match its exterior side, in other cases there are sharp contrasts between the two sides, such as in the case of the vehicle door. In addition, doors typically consist of a panel that swings on hinges or that slides or spins inside of a space.
:'''ISO 6707-1(2004):''' Construction for closing an opening intended primarily for access or egress or both.
;<span id="Decke">Decke</span>
:[http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decke_(Bauteil) '''Wikipedia:'''] Eine Decke (auch Plafond) ist im Bauwesen ein (meist) horizontales Bauteil, das einen Raum nach oben abschließt. Als Geschossdecke bildet sie die begehbare Fläche von höherliegenden Geschossen.
;<span id="Eaves">Eaves</span>
:'''ISO 6707-1(2004):''' lower edge of a pitched roof or edge of a flat roof.
;<span id="Floor">Floor</span>
:'''Wikipedia:''' Fenster haben den Zweck, natürliches Licht in Gebäude zu lassen und gleichzeitig das Innere der Gebäude vor den Einflüssen der Witterung abzuschirmen. Weitere Zwecke können sein, Belüftung zu ermöglichen oder Hinaus- und Hineinsehen zu ermöglichen.
:[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floor'''Wikipedia:'''] A floor is the walking surface of a room or vehicle. Floors vary from simple dirt in a cave to many-layered surfaces using modern technology. Floors may be stone, wood, bamboo, metal, or any other material that can hold a person's weight.
:The levels of a building are often referred to as floors although a more proper term is storey.
;<span id="Fußboden">Fußboden</span>
:'''Wikipedia:''' Als Fußboden wird das Bauteil in einem Gebäude bezeichnet, das als begehbare Fläche auf einer statisch tragenden Schicht oder einem horizontalen Bauteil wie der Bodenplatte
;Gebäude / Building
:'''ALKIS:''' [A] 'Gebäude' ist ein dauerhaft errichtetes Bauwerk, dessen Nachweis wegen seiner Bedeutung als Liegenschaft erforderlich ist sowie dem Zweck der Basisinformation des Liegenschaftskatasters dient.
:'''ISO 6707:''' construction works (3.1.1) that has the provision of shelter for its occupants or contents as one of its main purposes; usually partially or totally enclosed and designed to stand permanently in one place
;Gebäudeinstallation / Building Installation
: '''KHH:''' Teile von Fassade und Gebäude, die keinerlei Relevanz für den Baukörper des Gebäudes haben, d.h. die äußere Gebäudehülle in ihrer Schutzfunktion nicht beeinflussen.
;Gebäudeteil / Building Part
:'''SIG3D:''' Gebäudeteile (''bldg:BuildingParts'') sind miteinander verbundene Baukörper eines Gebäudekomplexes ([http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geb%C3%A4udetrakt siehe Gebäudetrakt (Wikipedia)]).
:'''Wikipedia:''' Ein Geschoss (in Österreich und Süddeutschland Geschoß, langer Vokal) ist die Gesamtheit aller Räume in einem Gebäude, die auf einer Zugangsebene liegen und horizontal verbunden sind. Es ist möglich, dass ein Geschoss Höhenunterschiede aufweist. Entscheidend ist aber die horizontale Zusammengehörigkeit der Räume. Der Begriff wird heute unabhängig von der Art der Gebäudekonstruktion verwendet.
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; <span id="Kombi-Lage-Hoehe">Kombinationen von Lage- und Höhenbezugsystemen (nach ALKIS)</span> / <span id="CCRS">Compound Coordinate Referencesystem (CCRS)</span>
:Kombinationen von Lage- und Höhenbezugsystemen (Compound coordinate referencesystem, CCRS) werden immer durch Zusammensetzung der Kennungen der Bestandteile unter Verwendung eines "*"-Zeichens zitiert, z.B. DE_DHDN_3GK2_RDN*DE_DHHN92_NH. Bei Objekten der Objektart "Punktort" sind in AFIS-ALKIS-ATKIS gemäß der Definitionder Objektart Punktort zusammengesetzte Koordinatenreferenzsysteme nicht zugelassen.
: '''Wikipedia:''' Als Loggia (aus dem Italienischen) wird in der Architektur ein Raum in einem Gebäude bezeichnet, der sich mittels Bögen oder anderer Konstruktionen zum Außenraum öffnet. Auf der Erdgeschossebene schaffen Loggien einen Übergangsbereich zwischen Außen- und Innenraum, im Obergeschoss werden sie als Verbindungsgang oder Freisitz genutzt.
: '''Sprengnetter-Bibliothek 20.0:''' Nach oben geschlossener Außenraum innerhalb des Hausgrundes, auf 3 Seiten in voller Geschosshöhe umbaut. (Wirklich zwingend erforderlich? Gibt es dann auch 1/2 Balkon 1/2 Loggia?)
;Minimales umgebendes Reckteck
: siehe BoundingBox
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;Öffnung / Opening
: '''CityGML:''' Abstrakte Klasse für Door und Window
: '''CityGML:''' Abstract class for door and window
: '''ISO 6707:''' void in a building element (5.5.4)
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;<span id="ridge">ridge</span>
: '''ISO 6707:''' length of inclined surface that provides access between two levels
:'''ISO 6707-1(2004):''' intersection at the top of two inclined planes in a pitched roof which forms the apex of the roof
: '''ISO 6707:''' upper layer or layers of a roof (5.2.20) that provides a weatherproof surface
;<span id="roof">roof</span>
:[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roof'''Wikipedia:'''] A roof is the covering on the uppermost part of a building. A roof protects the building and its contents from the effects of weather and the invasion of animals. Structures that require roofs range from a letter box to a cathedral or stadium, dwellings being the most numerous.
:'''ISO 6707-1(2004):''' Construction that encloses a building from above. ISO 6707-1(2004) classifies the following roof types:
::'''flat roof''' is a roof either horizontal or with a slope of 10° or less.
::'''pitched roof''' is a roof, the slope of which is greater than 10° (approximately 15 %)
::'''shed roof''' or '''monopitch roof''' is a pitched roof that has only a single plane
::'''lean-to roof''' is a monopitch roof that has its upper edge attached to, and supported by, a wall that extends above the level of the roof, or is supported by structural member(s) next to or attached to a wall
::'''shell roof''' or '''domed roof''' is a roof formed of a thin curved structural slab
::'''mansard roof''' is a pitched roof with two inclined planes on each side of the ridge, the steeper of the two starting at the eaves
::'''gable roof''' is a pitched roof that terminates at one or both ends as a gable
::'''hipped roof''' or '''hip roof''' is a pitched roof with hip end or ends
::'''sawtooth roof''' is a series of pitched roofs, each with one inclined plane steeper than the other and fully or partially glazed
; Söller
;<span id="Storey">Storey</span>
: '''Wikipedia:''' Ein Söller oder Altan (seltener auch: die Altane) ist eine offene, auf Stützen oder Mauern ruhende Plattform in einem Obergeschoss eines Gebäudes.
:'''ISO 6707-1(2004):''' Space between two consecutive floors or between a floor and a roof.
;Terrasse / Terrace
: '''Wikipedia:''' Die Terrasse (von lat. terra = Erde, Erdboden) ist eine nicht überdachte Plattform auf oder unter der Erdgeschossebene eines Gebäudes, die für den Aufenthalt im Freien vorgesehen ist. Der Unterbau (die Substruktion) von Terrassen erfordert steinerne Stützmauern oder eine Konstruktion aus Beton oder Holz, der Belag kann aus Holz, Beton- oder Natursteinplatten oder anderen Materialien sein.
: '''Sprengnetter-Bibliothek 20.0:''' Befestigte, nach oben offene Außenräume; über darunterliegenden Gebäudeteilen als Dachterrasse bzw. im Erdgeschoss i.d.R. hausangrenzend als Garten- oder Hofterrasse ausgeführt.
: '''ISO 6707:''' external horizontal area, usually for people, often fitted with a balustrade (5.2.66) (5.2.67)
;Tür / Door
:'''Wikipedia:''' Eine Tür, vor allem ober- und mitteldeutsch Türe, auch Tor für größere Exemplare, ist eine Einrichtung zum Schließen einer Öffnung in einer Wand oder Mauer.
:'''ISO 6707:''' construction (5.5.6) for closing an opening (5.3.1) intended primarily for access or egress or both
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;<span id="Wand">Wand</span> / Wall
;<span id="Wall">Wall</span>
:'''Wikipedia:''' Eine Wand ist ein vertikales Bauteil. Bei einer Wand ist die Ausdehnung in der Länge und Höhe sehr viel größer ist als in der Tiefe (auch (Wand)dicke oder (Wand)breite in Schnitt). Man spricht auch von einer Wandscheibe, analog zur Fensterscheibe, nicht zur allgemein runden Scheibe.
:[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wall'''Wikipedia:'''] A wall is a vertical structure, usually solid, that defines and sometimes protects an area. Most commonly, a wall delineates a building and supports its superstructure, separates space in buildings into sections, or protects or delineates a space in the open air. There are three principal types of structural walls: building walls, exterior boundary walls, and retaining walls.
: '''ISO 6707:''' vertical construction (5.5.6) that bounds or subdivides a space (4.1.1) and usually fulfils a loadbearing or retaining function
:'''ISO 6707-1(2004)''' Vertical construction that bounds or subdivides a space and usually fulfils a loadbearing or retaining function.
;<span id="Window">Window</span>
:[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Window'''Wikipedia:'''] A window is a transparent or translucent opening in a wall, door or vehicle that allows the passage of light and, if not closed or sealed, air and sound. Windows are usually glazed or covered in some other transparent or translucent material. Windows are held in place by frames. Many glazed windows may be opened, to allow ventilation, or closed, to exclude inclement weather.
:'''ISO 6707-1(2004)''' Construction for closing a vertical or near-vertical opening in a wall or pitched roof, which will admit light and may provide ventilation.

Latest revision as of 21:51, 17 December 2013

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ISO 6707-1(2004): Provision of shelter for its occupants or contents as one of its main purposes; usually partially or totally enclosed and designed to stand permanently in one place.
ISO 6707-1(2004): Upper accessible platform within a storey, not fully enclosed by wall(s).
An external balcony is an accessible platform that projects from the external face of a building.
An internal balcony or recessed balcony (US) is an accessible platform recessed from the external face of a building.


Wikipedia: A ceiling is an overhead interior surface that covers the upper limit of a room. It is not generally considered a structural element, but a finished surface concealing the underside of the floor or roof structure above.
Compound Coordinate Referencesystem (CCRS)
ISO 19111: Coordinate reference system using two other independent coordinate reference systems to describe a position.
The horizontal and vertical components of a description of position in three dimensions may sometimes come from different coordinate reference systems rather than through a single three-dimensional coordinate reference system. This is always the case for positions where vertical coordinates are related to mean sea level. This shall be handled through a compound coordinate reference system which identifies the two coordinate reference system utilized.
Notification by using a "*" combining the two coordinate reference systems, e.g. DE_DHDN_3GK2_RDN*DE_DHHN92_NH


Wikipedia: A door is an opening or closing structure used to block off an entrance, typically consisting of an interior side that faces the inside of a space and an exterior side that faces the outside of that space. While in some cases the interior side of a door may match its exterior side, in other cases there are sharp contrasts between the two sides, such as in the case of the vehicle door. In addition, doors typically consist of a panel that swings on hinges or that slides or spins inside of a space.
ISO 6707-1(2004): Construction for closing an opening intended primarily for access or egress or both.


ISO 6707-1(2004): lower edge of a pitched roof or edge of a flat roof.


Wikipedia: A floor is the walking surface of a room or vehicle. Floors vary from simple dirt in a cave to many-layered surfaces using modern technology. Floors may be stone, wood, bamboo, metal, or any other material that can hold a person's weight.
The levels of a building are often referred to as floors although a more proper term is storey.










CityGML: Abstract class for door and window




ISO 6707-1(2004): intersection at the top of two inclined planes in a pitched roof which forms the apex of the roof
Wikipedia: A roof is the covering on the uppermost part of a building. A roof protects the building and its contents from the effects of weather and the invasion of animals. Structures that require roofs range from a letter box to a cathedral or stadium, dwellings being the most numerous.
ISO 6707-1(2004): Construction that encloses a building from above. ISO 6707-1(2004) classifies the following roof types:
flat roof is a roof either horizontal or with a slope of 10° or less.
pitched roof is a roof, the slope of which is greater than 10° (approximately 15 %)
shed roof or monopitch roof is a pitched roof that has only a single plane
lean-to roof is a monopitch roof that has its upper edge attached to, and supported by, a wall that extends above the level of the roof, or is supported by structural member(s) next to or attached to a wall
shell roof or domed roof is a roof formed of a thin curved structural slab
mansard roof is a pitched roof with two inclined planes on each side of the ridge, the steeper of the two starting at the eaves
gable roof is a pitched roof that terminates at one or both ends as a gable
hipped roof or hip roof is a pitched roof with hip end or ends
sawtooth roof is a series of pitched roofs, each with one inclined plane steeper than the other and fully or partially glazed


ISO 6707-1(2004): Space between two consecutive floors or between a floor and a roof.





Wikipedia: A wall is a vertical structure, usually solid, that defines and sometimes protects an area. Most commonly, a wall delineates a building and supports its superstructure, separates space in buildings into sections, or protects or delineates a space in the open air. There are three principal types of structural walls: building walls, exterior boundary walls, and retaining walls.
ISO 6707-1(2004) Vertical construction that bounds or subdivides a space and usually fulfils a loadbearing or retaining function.
Wikipedia: A window is a transparent or translucent opening in a wall, door or vehicle that allows the passage of light and, if not closed or sealed, air and sound. Windows are usually glazed or covered in some other transparent or translucent material. Windows are held in place by frames. Many glazed windows may be opened, to allow ventilation, or closed, to exclude inclement weather.
ISO 6707-1(2004) Construction for closing a vertical or near-vertical opening in a wall or pitched roof, which will admit light and may provide ventilation.




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